Milan, 17 September 2008 - The Boards of Directors of Autogrill S.p.A. (Milan: AGL IM) and its wholly owned subsidiary Autogrill International S.p.A. today approved a re-organization plan that envisages the merger of Autogrill International into Autogrill.
The plan is designed to simplify the ownership structure of the Group headed by Autogrill. In particular, said streamlining of the ownership structure reflects the fact that Autogrill International no longer has the role of sole sub-holding for the Group’s international business assigned to it in December 2004. Following recent acquisitions, especially in the airport retail market (including the Aldeasa, Alpha and World Duty Free Europe groups), Autogrill Group set up management centres on a regional (mainly the UK and Spain) and sectoral basis.
The company Autogrill S.p.A. was merged into the company World Duty Free S.r.l. effective as from November 1st, 2023 .
At the same time, the company World Duty Free S.r.l. was transformed into a joint-stock company with the name World Duty Free S.p.A..