Milan, 25 May 2009 - Autogrill S.p.A. (Milano: AGL IM) extends its operations on German motorways in an agreement with Tank & Rast, the main service area concession provider in Germany. The agreement covers the operation of 11 points of sale, which are thus added to other five service areas - Frankenhöhe North and South on the A6 Nürnberg/Heilbronn motorway and Rhön East and Donautal East on the A3 Frankfurt/Passau motorway – where the Group has been operating since December 2008.
The company Autogrill S.p.A. was merged into the company World Duty Free S.r.l. effective as from November 1st, 2023 .
At the same time, the company World Duty Free S.r.l. was transformed into a joint-stock company with the name World Duty Free S.p.A..