Milan, 27 January 2005 - At a meeting today, the Board of Directors of Autogrill S.p.A. (Milan: AGL.IM) examined preliminary sales figures at 31 December 2004, translated with an exchange rate of €/$ 1.24. In financial year 2004, Autogrill consolidated net sales totaled 3,182 m€, an increase of 1.3% on 3,142.7 m€ in 2003. At constant exchange rates, growth was 6.8%. 2004 net sales at Autogrill Group, Inc. (HMSHost Corp. + Anton Airfood Inc.) totaled 2,005.6 m$, up by 12.2% on the 2003 sales figure of 1,786.9 m$. Autogrill Group, Inc.’s performance reflected higher passenger traffic in North America, longer wait-time in airports and the ability to adapt the offer to changes in demand, which, in North America, continues to be strong.
The company Autogrill S.p.A. was merged into the company World Duty Free S.r.l. effective as from November 1st, 2023 .
At the same time, the company World Duty Free S.r.l. was transformed into a joint-stock company with the name World Duty Free S.p.A..