Milan, 28 July 2008 - In execution of the resolution passed by the General Meeting of shareholders held on 23 April 2008, Autogrill S.p.A. (Milan: AGL IM) announces that in the 30th week of 2008 (from 21 July to 25 July), the Company purchased a total of no. 100,000 own shares at the average price of 7.5430 euro per share, for a total value of 754,296.96 euro.
The company Autogrill S.p.A. was merged into the company World Duty Free S.r.l. effective as from November 1st, 2023 .
At the same time, the company World Duty Free S.r.l. was transformed into a joint-stock company with the name World Duty Free S.p.A..