Autogrill together with Connect4Climate in Time Square

Autogrill is among the sponsors of the video Connect4Climate played for the whole day of 18 December on the screens of Times Square in New York.
The company Autogrill S.p.A. was merged into the company World Duty Free S.r.l. effective as from November 1st, 2023 .
At the same time, the company World Duty Free S.r.l. was transformed into a joint-stock company with the name World Duty Free S.p.A..
Autogrill is among the sponsors of the video Connect4Climate played for the whole day of 18 December on the screens of Times Square in New York.
WWF Italia and Autogrill are launching a hub to carry out experiments on the theme of food waste; it will involve the Villoresi Est, Brianza Nord and Brianza Sud motorway service areas on the outskirts of Milan.
Within the framework of the WWF’s One Planet Food programme, the project will develop a vertically integrated process whereby the organic waste of the three points of sale will be turned into compost to “feed” a kitchen garden in the Oasi WWF Bosco di Vanzago.
The Group is partner of the 2014 edition of the Italian Sustainability Forum, organized by Comunicazione italiana, which will take place on tuesday May the 20th maggio a Milano, at the new regional location of Palazzo Lombardia.
As part of the program of meetings scheduled for the day Silvio De Girolamo, Chief Audit Executive & CSR Autogrill,, will participate with a presentation at the workshop "Becoming Sustainable to be competitive: Threat or Opportunity?" scheduled for 12:15.
At Autogrill’s Secchia Ovest location, on the A1 Milano-Bologna motorway, Aldo Papa, COO Autogrill Italia, cuts the ribbon to open the first Fido Park with Antonello Deiola (Cucciamica), Paolo Manzi, chairman of Enpa (Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali) and Giorgio Celli, ethologist and expert on pets’ behaviour and needs.
On Friday the 15th of July Autogrill together with Amico Pets, Royal Canin and the italian association of veterinarians (ANMVI) has organized in Rome the press conference " In viaggio con Fido" in order to present the news of the FidoPark service for the summer 2011.
The Minister of Italian Tourism Michela Vittoria Brambilla took part at the event.
Autogrill supports for the second year "on the good road" the campaign on road safety promoted by the italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transports. The company will make available 300 points of sale located in toll motorways channel for the diffusion of the initiative to the milion of travellers that will cross the Autogrill network during summer holidays.
Furthermore, Autogrill has realized many other initiative to service travellers crossing toll motorways
A competition for young short film directors organized by Autogrill in collaboration with Cinecittà Holding.
Given its continual search for new architectural solutions supporting modern service concepts, Autogrill took part in the 9th Biennale di Venezia International Architecture Expo, as part of Aldo Cibic’s Microrealities, in which Autogrill is seen as the ideal gateway, a place where metropolitan services intersect with those of the hinterland.
Autogrill was a promoter of a big exhibition focusing on one of the most crucial periods in recent Italian history (from 1948 to 1960) with icons, objects and other works by the artists, architects, photographers and film directors who formed the mosaic of Italy’s reborn creativity.
Autogrill is one of the producers of “E-motion”, the first Italian event dedicated to “emotional geography” and is presenting, in the margin of the section on “neo-nomadisms”, an innovative literary café installation (by Costa Group) based on the philosophy of being space – the so-called “third place”, a model for the contemporary “break” it has developed over recent years in the travel channels (airports, motorways, railway stations, trade fairs and shopping centres) where it operates.